The Bruce Museum in Greenwich unveiled its newly renovated art gallery Tuesday, which is part of a $45 million renovation project.

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The Bruce Museum in Greenwich unveiled its newly renovated art gallery Tuesday, which is part of a $45 million renovation project.

The galleries are just the second phase of the renovation project which began a few years ago.

Museum staff says the restoration is almost entirely funded by private donations.

Science Curator Daniel Ksepka says the museum will begin its third phase of renovations this week beginning with its science galleries.

The third phase is expected to take about a year to complete."We appreciate having the space to tell the stories that we want to tell, and it's only going to get better over the next two years," Ksepka says.

There will also be a new art wing and education wing, which will include a restaurant and a 500-person event room.

The New Bruce campaign will double the size of the existing museum, add state-of-the-art exhibitions, education and community spaces, and enhance the art and science collections and storage areas.